Niu Liu Niu Liu Reseacher in Astronomy

Research Interest

I am interested in measuring the position of celestial objects with an accuracy of extremely high level and thus construct a fully unified multifrequency microarcsecond celestial reference frame.

Featured Projects


Multifrequency celestial reference frame

The celestial reference frame (CRF) is widely used in astronomy, geodesy, and deep space mission. We are stepping, for the first time of modern history, into an era of multi-frequency CRFs materialized by VLBI and Gaia of microarcsecond accuracy with new challenges.

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Frequency-dependency of extragalactic source structure

Most extragalactic sources are known to have an extended radio structure, and their structure varies, which leads to abrupt changes in their apparent positions. Structure-related systematics is now the major error source in the VLBI astrometry.

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